Day Zero Project

    My Day Zero goals. 101 Things in 1001 Days. Ends April 17, 2014. Here goes nothing. or maybe everything.

Make a list of 101 things to do in the next 1001 days

Hike 200 miles

Learn Adobe Photoshop & Lightroom

                                   Implement 3 Martha Stewart organizing ideas

Post 500 photographs to Flickr

Go zip-lining

See a Cirque du Soleil show

Ride the Acrophobia

Do the 200 sit-ups challenge (

Make a work of art and frame it (out of paper, wood, beads, etc)

Take goofy pictures with Elliot in a photo booth

Do an actual Spring Clean

Take a trip on a train

Float in the Great Salt Lake

Have at least $5000 in liquid savings

Be completely out of debt

Fill all my picture frames

Pray for Elliot every day for 30 consecutive days

Make a recipe book with

Complete the Love Dare


Go skinny dipping in the ocean at night

Invite a stranger to Christmas/ Thanksgiving dinner

Make a Mentos and soda geyser

Paint a canvas

Put my name and biography on Wikipedia

Put change in someone's expired parking meter

Stomp grapes at a vineyard

Be in two places at one time

See 10 classic movies I've never seen

Bathe under a waterfall

Take a young me/now me picture (

Talk to a stranger about God

Write a letter to the people who have hurt me letting them know I forgive them

Give a server a 100% tip

Do a photo shoot with El and Pop-Pop

Do a photo shoot with Mimi and I

Donate an entire paycheck

Stay up and watch the sunrise on New Year's

Read 5 banned books (

Make a list of 100 reasons I love my husband

Spend a romantic night in a hotel for no reason

Go on a women's retreat

Participate in Operation Beautiful

Slow dance outside in a downpour at night

Find out my blood type

Take an aerial fitness class

Go apple-picking

Eat at 10 new restaurants

Buy a pair of killer heels

Photograph a landscape from the same location, capturing all four seasons

White water raft the Colorado River

Make a birthday cake for someone unexpectedly

Volunteer for 101 hours (0/101)

Visit 10 Geocache locations

Make 50 foods I don't currently know how to make

Make a recipe book

Take Ms. Pete to Red Lobster

Help an elderly person with their groceries

Buy a homeless person a meal

Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen on Christmas or Thanksgiving

Start a Hope Chest for our future daughters

Send 10 postcards via (0/10)

Go puddle-stomping

Achieve my goal weight

Help Elliot complete one of his goals

Freestyle swim 1 mile

Go to a ball, complete with gown and tux

Have a dusk picnic on top of a mountain

Write on my blog once a week for 12 weeks (0/12)

Hand make 5 holiday cards

No media (phone, computer, TV) for 7 days

Complete the 365 Day Photo Challenge

Learn how to change the oil in my car

Find a personally inspirational quote and work it into a piece of art or home decor

Pay off our Tahoe

Learn Spanish (to a conversational level)

Learn to drive a stick shift

Buy one new outfit each month

Get a monthly pedicure or manicure for 12 consecutive months

Decorate my house with pictures we took

Climb a 14er in Colorado

See a Grizzly Bear in Alaska

Ride in a hot air balloon

Donate blood

Build a blanket fort and sleep in it

Build a pinhole camera

Send a handwritten letter to a stranger

Go skydiving


Make a book of the 100 Strangers Pictures

Answer the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind"

Complete the 100 Strangers Challenge (

Leave an inspirational note inside a book for someone to find

Run a whole mile without stopping

Ask 50 friends to suggest a book, and read them all

Read the Bible cover to cover

Get paid $500 for a Photography session

Do 101 Random Acts of Kindness (Record each)

Send a secret to

Participate in a flash mob