Recapped: 2011

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Bought a house
Gave an alcoholic friend a new chance at life
Lived with said friend for four (long) months
Glad said "friend" is gone
Oldest-younger sister turned 16
Did not get to see my Dad all year
Mom and Sisters lived with us for 5 weeks
One sister stayed for 6 months
Homeschooling a 16 year old is hard
Quit my job
Spent Thanksgiving in Sedona with his family
Spent Christmas by ourselves
Met two amazing new friends
Failed a few people
He changed jobs
Multiple friends had children or became pregnant
Registered for my first college classes
Experienced my first pre-November snowfall (8 inches)
Got a dog
Rescued a cat
Sent said cat home with previously mentioned 16 year old
Became addicted to my church
Faced some hard truths about myself and my beliefs
Made solid plans for our future
Bought a stinking nice camera
Learned the joys of Adobe Lightroom
Tried my hand at plumbing and painting
Kicked in and hammered down a wall
Read the Hunger Games series
Spent $100 in groceries for our church food drive
Began sponsoring Lucky
Didn't write Lucky nearly enough
Fought too much
Cried too much
Spent too much time on facebook
Forgot to send a very important birthday card
Was blessed with some awesome furniture
Learned the value of paint primer

I could go on. I probably will.